How to Set Up Your Own Palworld Dedicated Server – A Guide to Creating a Palworld Server | Steam

How to Set Up Your Own Palworld Dedicated Server – A Guide to Creating a Palworld Server | Steam

If you’re aiming to dive into Palworld on your very own dedicated server, this tutorial is designed to guide you through each step of establishing a server tailored for Palworld gameplay. Much like the comprehensive nature of dedicated server tutorials, this one is detailed and extensive, encouraging a paced approach to sidestep potential pitfalls. In addition to guiding you on setting up and personalizing a private server for Palworld via Steam, it’s worth mentioning the presence of another intriguing game that’s been catching attention in Kenya – the Aviator game. This addition broadens the scope of gaming interests and options available, suggesting a vibrant gaming culture that embraces a variety of gaming experiences.

Key Points:

  • Palworld supports the creation of dedicated servers for gaming.
  • A private Palworld server allows you to play in multiplayer mode exclusively with friends of your choosing.
  • Proper server setup is crucial for optimal performance and security.

You can create a Palworld server on both Steam and Xbox Game Pass, but there are differences in server functionality:

  • PalWorld Private Server on Steam: supports up to 32 players per server but does not support cross-platform play. Only Steam Palworld players can join the server.
  • PalWorld Private Server on Xbox PC (Game Pass): supports up to 4 players in the private server and is cross-platform, allowing console and PC players to play together.

Here’s how to create and configure your private Palworld server through Steam:

Is it free to create and use a Palworld dedicated server?

Yes, creating a Palworld server is essentially free since all you need is to have your computer on, which hosts or acts as the server. Thus, the only cost is your PC’s electricity consumption. However, the Palworld server must be configured correctly to function properly. Additionally, joining or participating in a dedicated Palworld server is also free.

What do we need for creating a dedicated server: Palworld Dedicated Server Download

While you can quickly and easily download the Palworld Server tool from Steam, here’s a better way to create the server for three reasons:

  • Less resource consumption than running Steam
  • No Steam account required.

Also works for games not part of Steam.

  • First, use SteamCMD to obtain the dedicated server files.
  • Download SteamCMD for Windows.
  • After downloading, unzip the file to the folder where you will install the server.
  • Open Notepad and paste the following command: steamcmd.exe +login anonymous +app_update 2394010 +quit
  • Then, save it as a .bat file named: Start.bat
  • Navigate to the folder and double-click Start.bat to begin the downloads.

Preparing Palworld Server Startup

If you downloaded the server with SteamCMD, edit the existing start.bat file with Notepad and replace its contents with the following:

@echo off

echo Checking for updates…

steamcmd.exe +login anonymous +app_update 2394010 +quit

echo Launching server

cd .\steamapps\common\PalServer

start PalServer.exe -ServerName=”Server Name” -port=8211 -players=32 -log -nosteam -useperfthreads -NoAsyncLoadingThread -UseMultithreadForDS EpicApp=PalServer

Important Note: In the code shown that you should paste into the .bat file, replace “Server Name” with the actual name of the Palworld server you want to start.

Moreover, EpicApp=PalServer means your server will be added to the public server list. If you want the server to be private, you should remove: EpicApp=PalServer

Configuring Server Files

Go to the steamapps\common\PalServer folder to find the file: DefaultPalWorldSettings.ini

Open the file in notepad and copy all its contents. Be sure to also copy the text [/Script/Pal.PalGameWorldSettings] at the end of the file.

Close the file and head to: Pal\Saved\Config\WindowsServer

Here, locate and open the PalWorldSettings.ini file with notepad and paste the copied text from the clipboard.

After pasting, do not forget to replace the following text with the correct information:

  • ServerName: Your Palworld server name
  • ServerDescription: Server description
  • AdminPassword: Admin password
  • ServerPassword: Server password (optional)
  • RCONEnabled.

The text should look similar to the image below:

ServerName=”YOUR SERVER NAME”,ServerDescription=””,AdminPassword=”34444355s”,ServerPassword=””,PublicPort=8211,PublicIP=””,RCONEnabled=False

Launching Your Own Dedicated Palworld Server

After setting up, starting your server will depend on the download option used:

  • If downloaded with SteamCMD, go back and run start.bat.

Joining Your New Dedicated Server in Palworld

Your server should now be running and able to connect using

At this point, no other user (from the Internet) can join your server until you perform several extra configurations.

Saving and Exiting Your Palworld Dedicated Server

To save your games upon server closure, you’ll need to use various commands.

  1. What you need to do is type /AdminPassword followed by the admin password you set up in the earlier steps of this guide.
  2. After providing the admin password, you can execute commands like:

/Save: this command lets you save your game and progress.

/Shutdown: Allows turning off the server.

/Shutdown {Seconds} {MessageText}: This will send a message to server members/participants warning them of the time left until the server shuts down.